Программатор MMIMYK Datalogging

Код товара: 203846
Артикул: DF:080G0073

Программатор MMIMYK Datalogging

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    MMI Interfaces for MCX Programmable Controls


    MMIGRS2 is a remote interface to the MCX family. It is fitted with a
    graphic display that allows a complete customization of the user
    interface. The connection with every unit of the MCX range is through the
    CANbus network. All information about the user interface is loaded inside
    the MCX controller; so there is no need of programming the MMIGRS2
    interface. MMIGRS2 is powered from the controller it is connected to and
    automatically shows its user interface; but it can also show the
    interface of any other device connected to the same network.
    MMIMYK is the advanced all-in-one device with up to three different
    functions: programming module, gateway, data logger.
    It has a bright graphic display and a keyboard for configuring the module
    to run several functions. It has also a slot for a memory card (MMC) to
    extend the memory capacity.
    MMILDS is a remote interface to the MCX family. It is fitted with a LED
    display for displaying data from a MCX or from 2 probes that can be
    locally connected. The connection with any MCX controller is through the
    CANbus network. MMIDLS can be powered by the MCX it is connected to.

    Код типа MMIMYK
    Вес 0.181 [кг]
    Утвержденный CE, GOST R
    Автоматический прерыватель Да
    Тип соединения CANBUS
    Тип соединения MODBUS
    Тип соединения RS485
    Тип соединения TTL
    Комплект разъемов 080G0176
    Комплект разъемов вкл. Да
    Дисплей OLED
    Европейский Товарный Номер 5702428170680
    Степень защиты IP20
    Частота 50/60 HZ

    Функция Programmable Controller
    Больше информации MEMORY CARD, DATA LOGGER
    Идентичный продукт 080G0154
    Mounting DIN RAIL
    Mounting Portable
    Упаковка Multi pack
    Потребляемая мощность 2,5 W
    Линейка товаров Programmable controllers
    Prod. name Programming Key
    Количество в упаковке 26 pc
    Часы реального времени Да
    Supply volt. AC 24 V
    Supply volt. DC 12,00 V
    Обозначение типа MMIMYK4501260

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